During 11 months of the current year customer relations department of Ulyanovsk Distribution Grids, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC registered over 1,600 requests for technological connection to the power grids. As of today, 1,323 agreements have been concluded. About 30% of applicants are organizations (legal entities), 397 agreements are concluded with them, and this figure is 3% greater than the quantity of agreements for the similar period of 2012 (386). The rest 70% (926) of the total number of requests are calls from individuals. Total capacity of technological connection of consumers to power grids in the current year is 38.44 MW. It should be mentioned that the work associated with technological connection (conclusion of agreements and their follow-up until full execution) is conducted in Ulyanovsk Distribution Grids permanently. Specialists of customer relations department of the branch receive visitors at: 9À, building 2, Moskovskoe highway, Ulyanovsk city.