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Rosseti North-West

April 15, 2009

“Crisis occurrence in the regional power sector” round table participants defined the problems and agreed to solve them together

Partition of power, payment discipline, competent forming of the tariff policy - all these issues were the theme of the conversation of power engineers and business representatives in Karelia.

The participants of the round table devoted to “Crisis occurrence in the regional power sector” topic agreed to solve the occurred issues together. The representatives of power grid complex, such as  “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of North-West”, Joint Stock Company and Karelenergo, “PSK”, “TGC-1” generation, Karelia power selling company and the largest enterprises of the region – “Karelsky Okatysh” (Karelia pellet), “SUAL” as well as the representatives of medium business took part in the meeting.

The discussion took place on April 15 in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia). The round table organizers are Business News agency and the newspaper “Energy and industry of Russia”.

The persons leading the topical discussions were Pavel Pashniv, General Director of the Information Agency “Business news Agency” and Valery Presnyakov, Chief Editor of the newspaper “Energy and Industry of Russia”.

According to Valiry Presnakovm, it is fashionable to blame crisis for everything, which was creatively renamed in one of the issues as “total collapse”. “It is necessary to understand first what we shall do to normalize the situation”, he proposed.

According to the discussion participants, several tasks occur during the crisis – constructive mutual understanding between the colleagues in power sector, restoring of the payment discipline, as well as the issue of the competent tariff policy forming. 

“The conversation proved that the tariff was not balanced. We all shall apply to the regulator, including the consumers, because today we are the partners in developing of the well-balanced tariffs”, said Alexander Mikhalkov, the IDGC of North-West Development and Services Implementation Deputy General Director according to the results of the discussion

Mikhail Beliaev, President of Lahdenpohja Plywood Mill “Bumex” is sure that in present economic conditions require another approach to payment discipline. “Robot pilot attitude shall be substituted by hand operation”, said he allegorically. 

It shall be mentioned that the necessity of the joint conversation in Petrozavodsk was caused by the problems topical for major power consumers of the Karelia Republic and other objects of the branch. From January of the current year the tariff for the electric power was increased almost twofold due to the purchase of losses at the free price. One more acute problem is nonpayments. The total amount of debt for today to Karelemergo is RUR 590 million.

Karelenergo branch of IDGC of North-West occupies the 6th place out of eight of the largest consumers of the Karelia Republic. Karelenergo accounts for 5% of all annual power consumption in the Republic of Karelia.

“During the crisis it is necessary to determine the bearing points which shall be the basis for economic growth new model forming”. Sergey Shmatko, Energy Minister of the Country determined the short and long term goals of the Power and Heat Complex of the Country at the forum called “Power and Heat Complex of the Country in XXI Century”.

The crisis does not reverse the long term strategic goals and reference points of the social and economic development of the country. We consider that the major policy priority in power sector is the interests of the CONSUMER.

Openness and transparency of the decisions taken at all the levels, full implementation of the obligations taken by the parties and the considerable control over the implementation of the declared planes is the guarantee for the stability of the electric power sector of Karelia Republic and all North-West of Russia. 

We are sure that the disclosure, direct discussion and the sincere dialogue of the sector, business and power representatives is the sure way to mutual understanding, development of the joint resolutions in the interests of the region power safety provision.




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