The Irnational Conference “Euroasian gas: opportunities and risks” was held in Brussels on 12-13 November. The Conference was organized by the Secretariat of the Energy Charter, the European Union of the Natural Gas Industry (Eurogas) and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP).
Representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade as well as large European and Asian gas companies, banks, and energy agencies and associations attended the event. Mr. Stanislav Tsygankov, Head of Gazprom’s Foreign Relations Department, was Gazprom’s speaker at the conference.
The participants focused on discussing the possibility of creating a Trans-Eurasian gas market in the nearest future and, to a large extent, on the issues related to providing the security of gas supply to Europe in the next 2 decades.
Reporting at the conference, Mr. Tsygankov paid special attention to the following topics:
- Gazprom’s standing and significance in providing European energy security;
- Risks existing today in providing European energy security;
- Inability of the European gas industry to independently develop mechanisms of financing large-scale, capital-intensive projects for the liberalized market;
- Maintenance of long-term agreements as a basis for fair risk sharing, adequate contribution of parties to projects, and provision of the regional energy safety.