Experts from AO MOSENERGO's psychological service will take part in the Conference on Human Factors in Power Industry that will be held in Moscow on November 19-20. The Department for Human Resources and the General Inspectorate for Electric Plants and Grids Operation of RAO UES, as well as the Corporate Educational and Scientific Center for Unified Power System organized the conference. AO MOSENERGO's representatives will speak at the conference and share their experiences with other participants.
AO MOSENERGO started to use psychological and ergonomic knowledge in order to increase efficiency and reliability of the company more than 50 years ago. During that time a small team of psychologists conducted deep analytical work and published a number of books and articles on the subject. Currently, AO MOSENERGO's psychologists are implementing new projects at the Company's branches. Presently, there is an on-site psycho- and physiological laboratory at CHP-25.
AO MOSENERGO's psychologists keep in touch with the Institute for Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Psychology of the Moscow State University, as well as the International Ergonomics Association, and the California Safety Institute. In addition, AO MOSENERGO's representatives take part in workshops and conferences in Russia and abroad. Last August, AO MOSENERGO took part in the international conference on human factors in production held in Reykjavik (Iceland).