NLMK’s newly elected Board of Directors held its first meeting today. Vladimir Lisin was elected Chairman of the Board, and Vladimir Skorokhodov – Deputy Chairman of the Board. Moreover, the Board of Directors approved a schedule for BOD meetings and formed BOD Committees with the following members: Strategic Planning Committee: Chairman – Oleg Bagrin, members: Vladimir Lisin, Vladimir Skorokhodov, Bruno Bolfo, Karl Doering, Karen Sarkisov, Helmut Wieser, Franz Struzl, and Alexey Lapshin. Audit Committee: Chairman - Franz Struzl, members: Oleg Bagrin, Karl Doering. Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Policies Committee: Chariman - Vladimir Lisin, members: Karen Sarkisov, Nikolai Gagarin, Alexey Lapshin, Stanislav syrlin, and Sergei Melnik.