Delegation of IDGC North-West was headed by the Chief Engineer, George Turlov Deputy General Director of “Holding IDGC» Mikhail Kurbatov introduced the policy of innovative development of the company as part of events " Energy Industry - 2011 ", which take place June 13-16 in St. Petersburg. Mikhail Kurbatov told the participants of the roundtable about innovation policy of the company. Holding IDGC poses three main challenges to innovation. The first is cost reduction, which makes it possible to increase investment. The second is improving the quality and reliability of power supply. The third is reducing power losses.
Round table "Innovation potential of Russia's Energy Industry” has opened a program of activities devoted to prospects for the Russian energy complex and to promotion of international energy cooperation. Organizer of a series of panel sessions, roundtables, briefings, videoconferences and press conferences is Ministry of Energy of RF.
The Russian minister of energy, Sergey Shmatko, Deputies Minister of Energy, representatives of federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation, heads of Russian and international companies of energy sector, experts and analysts of "Russian Energy Agency" took part in the event.
Delegation of IDGC North-West was headed by the Chief Engineer, George Turlov