According to RTS data, Dalsvayz stock turnover in RTS in July comes to 246 thousand USD. Total amount of trades in July in RTS is 11. Total trading volume for the 7 months of 2003 makes up 3,478 thousand USD. (Amount of trades is 186). There were only 10 trades during 7 months of 2002 and stock turnover was 104 thousand USD. The present price of a Dalsvayz regular share is 87 cents and a preferred share is 60 cents.
According to the data from agency of financial information Bloomberg the ADR turnover becomes 25,000 in July. The ADR price is 25 USD. One ADR determines a right of 30 Dalsvayz regular shares. ADR rotates on USA OTC. You can get an information about trade of ADR on, Dalsvayz ADR code is FEEOY.