Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, is getting ready for safe maintenance works scheduled for 2016. These measures aim at prevention of occupational accidents, improving staff's professional skills during implementation of the annual maintenance program. So, in order to improve professional skills, all production departments carried out scheduled staff trainings. Experts of the branch learned theory and practiced safe operations, how to release people injured by electric current and to provide first aid in case of occupational accidents.
Staff readiness for routing switchings was also assessed during the trainings. Emergency-prevention measures were practiced together with checking documents pertaining to routine switchings. The check also covered interlocking devices in the distribution grids and substations, proper functioning of operation control systems and RES sound recorders at the facilities and vehicles. All substations have been equipped with protection devices, safety posters and appropriate tools.
Before the maintenance campaign start, all workers and teams of production department at Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, have been provided with PPE, uniform and footwear, tools, lifting gear and emergency firefighting equipment. Working areas of workers servicing power stations have been equipped with first aid kits. Tractors and all vehicles intended to transport people were carefully examined. Load-lifting vehicles, special devices, load-gripping equipment, strings and ropes were checked for proper functioning during overall maintenance works. A special committee was in charge of assessing preparedness of each production department.