The Board of Directors approved the Company management's proposal to form, together with the Government of Moscow, a working group designed to elaborate a mechanism to provide the population with a social support in view of the prospective introducing time-metering payment of local telephone calls by physical persons, which would comprise deputies to the Moscow Duma (the city's Assembly, i.e. elected legislative body), representatives of the Moscow Government, spokesmen for associations of the disabled as well as war and labor veterans, and those for other public organizations.
The chief objective of the Working Group shall be the elaboration of specific proposals for decreasing the low-income Muscovites' telephone services costs while transferring the city's population at large to the time-metering payment of telephone calls, and of the mechanisms aimed at securing allowances in order to shorten the procedure for their furnishing, after which a specific time-frame shall be determined to introduce the time-metering payment of the local telephone calls to be used by the Moscow inhabitants.
The Board of Directors also approved the applications of the candidates for membership in the new B.O.D. and Audit Commission of OJSC "Moscow City Telephone Network", having recognized them as legally qualified.