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Rosseti Volga

December 9, 2016

Debtor companies continue to delay payment against Penzaenergo invoices

Penzaenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies), are concerned with the constant violation of payment terms and rapidly growing debts of some companies of the Penza region, relations with which are clearly defined by the contracts for electric power transmission services.

So, as of December 6, Oboronenergosbyt, JSC still owes to IDGC of Volga, PJSC more than 13.5 million rubles. Every month Penzaenergo issue claims for payment against the debt of Oboronenergosbyt, JSC and systematically work to collect funds through the courts. However, until now the situation with a voluntary payment for the services by this counterparty has not changed for the better.

Also, the overdue receivables of TNS Energo Penza remains unchanged in the undisputed part. As of December 6 this year, the debt amounted to more than 251 million rubles. The Provider of Last Resort (POLR) for several years continues the policy of payment delay for the services of electric power transmission. Every month, from January to October, the "delay" period of marketers makes on average 1 to 1.5 months.

 But perhaps, the leader among all companies that in 2016 have had the longest delay of payment to IDGC of Volga, PJSC is EnergoService Povolzhie, LLC. The payment for the electrical transmission services for February 2016 was made by this counterparty with the delay of nearly 4 months! Throughout 2016, EnergoService Povolzhie, LLC has been systematically delaying the payments for the services rendered by IDGC of Volga, PJSC. In order to remedy the situation with the systematic delay of payments, Penzaenergo more than once put on the agenda of the meeting of staff for the energy security of the Penza region the issue of improper payment discipline of EnergoService Povolzhie, LLC and avoiding the failure to meet time constraints of payment for the services rendered to the counterparty. But despite all actions taken, the situation has not improved.

Constant violation of payment terms by counterparty-companies throughout 2016 complicate the timely fulfillment of the obligations of IDGC of Volga, PJSC to consumers of electricity in the Penza region, the adjacent grid organizations, contractors, budgets of different levels.

Currently, the main task for all participants of the energy market in the region, including electricity consumers, is to prevent the decrease of payment discipline and the formation of multi-million debts.




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