Moscow, 26 August. The Supreme Court of Russia has confirmed the legality and soundness of the current electricity tariffs established by the Regional Energy Commission (REC) of Chita Region for all consumers of OAO "Chitaenergo" without exception.
In May 2003, the Chita Region Prosecutor's Office appealed to the Chita Regional Court to invalidate resolution of the Board of Chita Region REC No. 14 of 2 April 2003 "On Tariffs for Electricity Supplied by OAO "Chitaenergo" stating that the new tariffs established by the REC resolution being challenged do not comply with the requirements of the laws in force.
On 20 May 2003 the Chita Regional Court refused to satisfy the claim filed by the Regional Prosecutor's Office. The latter disagreed with the Court's decision and challenged it by appealing to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
Upon review of the appeal from the Chita Region Prosecutor's Office, which was backed by the Office of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court ruled to dismiss the claim and to leave decision of the Chita Regional Court unaltered.
RAO "UES of Russia" emphasized that the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is extremely important now that the 2003/2004 autumn-winter period is close, as the establishment of economically sound tariffs is a prerequisite for making it through the winter without problems and ensuring reliable electricity and heat supply to consumers.