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Rosseti North-West

August 6, 2010

Whirlwind breaks power supply in four regions of Novgorod Region. Almost 240 specialists in composition of 50 repair crews take part in recovery works

The emergency operations center on safety of electric power supply of Novgorod Region functions in “Novgorodenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West.

On July 29 about 21-00 whirlwind accompanied by pouring rains and thunders, broke overhead power transmission lines of Borovichsk electric grids of “Novgorodenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West. Lubytinsky Region suffered more than others from actions of nature. Its system of power supply was fully rendered out of commission. Wind gusts broke away doors of automobile boxes, broke trees and concrete poles of power transmission lines as if they were matches. By the words of chief of Lubytinsky municipal district of Novgorod Region Vladimir Kobyakov, destructive power of whirlwind was so big that there is practically no whirlwind of forest in the region.

As of 14-30 MSK on July 30 electric power is supplied to 50 transformer feeding points which were earlier curentless. Technological faults at one overhead power transmission line of 110 kv and six lines of 10 kv are eliminated.

The course of recovery works is complicated by a big number of tree entanglements at PTL’s routes. To seek breaks of power transmission lines a helicopter is used. Governor of Novgorod Region Sergey Mitin and the first Deputy Director of “Novgorodenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West, JSC Igor’ Yakimov have flown to the place of mass anti-emergency works.

 - We are not mistaken, having supposed that after the period of heat wave nature will make one more surprise for us. That’s why we have had a part of forces and facilities in constant readiness. It has made it possible for us to start recovery works within an hour and provide quickly electric power supply in suffered regions.

The emergency operations center on safety of electric power supply of Novgorod Region functions in “Novgorodenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West. 49 repair crews with the total number of 239 people take part in recovery works. 75 units of specialty vehicles, including that of cross-country capacity are used. The main volume of works is held in Lubytinsky Region which suffered more than others from whirlwind.

The movement of secondary forces from other production departments of “Novgorodenergo” and contractor organizations is being continued. “Vologdaenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West, JSC has directed 4 repair-recovery crews in Novgorod Region for help rendering in the elimination course of nature consequences.

Mobile diesel generator plants are used for electric power supply of socially significant facilities.




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