Nizhny Novgorod, September 2003: OJSC VolgaTelecom (RTS: NNSI, NNSIP) has released its 2002 IAS consolidated financial statement. The statement includes the results of merged entities in view of the super-regional consolidation which took place in the Volgafederal district in 2002.
Ernst & Young Vneshaudit conducted the audit of the company’s financial statement.
Key financial indicators are as follows:
· Revenue was Rub 13.2 bln;
· Opex was Rub 10.9 bln;
· profit from primary activity was Rub 2.3 bln;
· EBITDA* was Rub 4.2 bln;
· Pre-tax profit was Rub 2.3 bln;
· Net profit was Rub 915 mln;
· Income per common share was Rub 3.43;
· Long-term assets stood at Rub 17.6 bln;
· Current assets stood at Rub 2.5 bln;
· Current obligations were Rub 4.0 bln;
· Cash flow at end of reporting period was Rub 214.8 bln.
The company’s revenue rose 21% compared to RAS mainly due to the consolidation of the cellular business. Cellular revenue accounted for 10.8% of the company’s total revenue in 2002, whereas the largest revenue component was 32% from LD traffic. In addition, 37% of all revenues were attributable to value-added customers, one of the company’s target market segments.
According to IAS, Volga Telecom’s EBITDA exceeded the RAS indicator by just 1%. EBITDA margin was 32% compared with 38% as per RAS. The main reason for this divergence is a different basis for accounting.