IDGC Holding has approved the model Schedule of Implementing the Construction Management System for Major Investment Projects. “The primary purpose of this document, intended for IDGC Holding’s operating subsidiaries, is to optimize the construction of electric grid facilities in terms of construction periods and financial costs,” said Aleksey Sannikov, Deputy Director General of IDGC Holding. Specifically, the Schedule defines the principal paragraphs of an investment project charter: the objectives to be accomplished by the project, the necessity for project implementation, project phases and milestone dates, success criteria, project participants, etc. The document also contains a special provision about the Working Groups, Technical Council, and Steering Committee, governing project implementation management both at level of Interregional and Regional Distribution Grid Companies and at level of electric grid company branches. The construction of new electric grid facilities should be overseen by the Steering Committee on Capital Construction (the supreme control body at level of Interregional and Regional Distribution Grid Companies), the Working Group at customer level, the Technical Council, and the Working Group of the project management team. These groups will monitor the erection of new facilities, make necessary changes to the engineering part of projects, and remedy deviations from scheduled deadlines, construction targets, and project budgets.