ZMZ held a 42nd conference on quality as part of implementing engine quality improvement program. This time 13 plants of 300 ZMZ suppliers were present at the conference. They were the plants which had the largest number of quality reclamations. Oleg Vlasov, ZMZ quality director noted, that "the quality of their engine components is not satisfactory which causes a lot of reclamations, while it's ZMZ who takes financial losses. We shall not tolerate that any longer." The conference issued a resolution which lists a number of measures that 13 plants must take before November 2002. Only in that case ZMZ will sign new contracts for engine parts for 2003. "We have to toughen requirements to our suppliers, because ZMZ is responsible for the overall quality of engine parts. It is even more so as we plan to receive an international ISO 9001 certificate - the 2000 year version - in 2003. We have recommended that our suppliers prepare to receive the same certificate," said Viktor Klochai, ZMZ general director.