Nizhny Novgorod, February 2004: On February 24, 2004 the fourth coupon yield under OJSC “VolgaTelecom” documentary, interest-rate, bearer bonds of BT-1 series was paid.
Coupon yield in the amount of 41 ruble 59 kopeks per a Bond was paid to the holders of 1 000 000 of the Bonds. Total sum of the paid coupon yield to all holders of the Bonds amounted to 41 590 000 rubles.
The amount of the issue — 1 billion rubles, all in all there were issued 1 000 000 Bonds with the period of circulation of 3 years. The price of the bonds placement equals the face value - 1000 rubles.
Twelve coupon periods of 3 months each are stipulated under the Bonds. The rate for 1-2 coupons is 4,75 % per year, for 3-4 coupons - 16,5 % per year, for 5-10 coupons - 15 % per year, for 11-12 coupons - 13 % per year.
OJSC “MDM-Bank” is the sponsor, underwriter and paying agent of the Bonds issue.