The 20,000th client visited Internet cafe of the OJSC FETEC in Birobidzhan on January 22, 2004. this was a 20-year old Evgenia Zubareva. Nikolay Veretennikov, director of JAR branch of the OJSC FETEC fave cert a certificate of the 20,000th client as well as certificate for free 10 hours’ Internet access in local Internet cafe.
The café operated for four years and proved its popularity among Birobidzhan residents. Popularity peak i.e. 7,400 clients was in 2003. Another 2 seats will be added son so in total there will be seven of them. The OJSC FETEC plans to expand café area and create additional seats.
Internet café of Obluchye will have the 1000th client in February of 2004. The café operates for a year already.
The OJSC FETEC plans to open Internet cafes in district centers of JAR such as Amurzet (2nd quarter of 2004), Leninsky (3rd quarter) and Smidovich (4th quarter) in 2004. The project costs about 600,000 thousand rubles.
It is not improbable that the OJSC FETEC will open Internet cafes in another 2 urban-type communities such as Nikolaevka and Teploozersk.