"Penzaenergo" has put into operation new socially significant object - substation "Izumrudnaya". Such scale building of electrical-power objects was not implemented in the city of Penza for 20 years. The sum of investments for building of substation "Izumrudnaya" has made 133 million roubles. The necessity for building of new substation is caused by dynamical rates of development of area Arbekovo. Existing substations are overloaded and cannot supply new consumers with the electric power. The first objects are already connected to substation "Izumrudnaya".
Commissioning of new substation gives the chance to unload operating substation "Arbekovo" that will raise reliability of power supply of the area. «This year we have ordered two more projects of substations, - Sergey Esjakov, the director of “Penzaenergo” branch of “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Volga”, JSC has told. – One of them, "Arbekovo-3", will be situated behind a traffic police post at departure from Arbekovo on a route Moscow-Samara. Its purpose – connection of new consumers. Now in the given point active building of large objects is conducted The electric power is necessary for these objects. The second project is connected with the governor's program on building of the cement works one of which will be situated in Nikolsky region. In this direction the electric main is under construction and in this connection our substation »will be reconstructed now.