Dividends on the Vozrozhdeniye Bank's shares for the year 2002 will be paid out by monetary funds as follows:
- on ordinary non-documentary registered shares with a face value 10 ruble each - 5% p.a. of the share face value; - on privileged convertible non-documentary registered shares with a face value 10 ruble each - 5% p.a. of the share face value; - on privileged non-documentary registered shares with a fixed dividend and a face value 10 ruble each - 20% p.a. of the share face value.
The total number of shares on which the yields shall be paid:
- 11,248,753 ordinary non-documentary registered shares; - 1,999,941 privileged convertible non-documentary registered shares; - 1,294,505 privileged non-documentary registered shares with a fixed dividend.
Locations, where the holders can receive their benefits: by permanent address of Vozrozhdeniye Bank (OAO): Luchnikov per. 7/4-1, Moscow 101999 and its branches; tel. (095) 929-18-61.