The subsidiary of KAMAZ Inc. Autoagregat Plant in Zainsk city has produced the test batch of profiled tubeless wheels.
New output will undergo the whole process of technical and operation tests in R&D. After tests it will be used first of all at all-wheel drive off- roads KamAZ- 65115 trucks and heavy duty trucks. The plant has already launched the production of three component disc wheels, with 3,7 ton load at each wheel. KamAZ-65115 and KamAZ –6520 are equipped with such wheels. Now the plant is introducing even more durable and safe two components profile tubeless wheels for new trucks of KAMAZ Automobile plant. Each of them is able to carry 4 ton load. The production line is ready. The test batch is being launched from the first working days of 2004.
Autoagregat plant in Zainsk city manufactures truck wheels of about 20 dimension-types, they are for all types of KAMAZ trucks and some Ural, ZIL trucks, and for a wide range of auto trailers, agricultural technics and superstructures as well. The wheels from Zainsk city are installed also at “Zhighuli”, “Oka”, “Moskvitch” passenger cars and trailers for them. Having introduced the new types of the main output, the Autoagregat plant in Zainsk city is going to increase its share at the domestic market of truck wheels from 28% to 35%. Mansur Khalimov