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July 16, 2014

Chief Engineers of JSC Russian Grids discuss provisional results of the readiness of the power supply network for the autumn-winter season of 2014-2015

A production meeting of the chief engineers of JSC Russian Grids subsidiaries under the chairmanship of First Deputy CEO on Technical Policy of JSC Russian Grids Roman Berdnikov. began in St. Petersburg on July 16th, 2014. The purpose of the meeting was to find out if the power supply network is well-prepared for operating during the 2014-2015 autumn-winter seasons.

As part of the meeting of the Management of JSC Russian Grids analysed previous preparations for the autumn-winter periods, examining in detail the main causes of accidents. It also discussed with the Group Company chief engineers the preliminary results of equipment readiness for the winter season.

The Management of JSC Russian Grids was critical of the work of its subsidiaries to reduce accidents. The management team also expressed extreme concern about the rise in rates of occupational injuries and accidents with third parties at company facilities.

According to results of nearly 950 inspections conducted by the Centre of Technical Supervision of JSC Russian Grids in the first half of 2014, a number of companies had significant shortcomings.

The criticism by the management team was caused by the fact that the company is behind its programme implementation schedules on the clearance and the expansion of openings of overhead power lines in several regions. Intensifying the work was entrusted to JSC FGC UES, JSC IDGC North-West and JSC Kubanenergo The Heads of JSC "IDGC North-West" and JSC IDGC of the Northern Caucasus were charged with intensifying the work implementation schedule of repair programmes.

In connection with this the Management of JSC Russian Grids has demanded to take all necessary technical and organizational measures to improve the system reliability of the electric grid network.

Separately discussed were issues aimed at occupational injuries and accident prevention to third parties at the company’s facilities. An increase of occupational injuries was observed in JSC MOESK, JSC TumenEnergo, JSC IDGC of the Northern Caucasus, JSC KubanEnergo and a rise in the number of accidents with third parties was observed in JSC IDGC of Siberia, JSC IDGC of the South, JSC KubanEnergo and JSC IDGC of the North-West.

Roman Berdnikov pointed out a number of traditional factors influencing fatal accidents to third-parties.

"Fishing with the use of carbon fibre rods in power line security zones is an old problem that still persists. Furthermore, under no circumstances are there to be cases of children entering substation premises. There is a need to move away from a formal working approach with the population", said Roman Berdnikov. He also demanded that the companies show a more responsible approach at all levels in ensuring the safety of individuals on energy facilities, organize regular inspections of power supply facilities and their protection against unauthorized population access.

He also talked about the new challenges associated with aircraft operation violations. An example of this is the increased incidence of damages to electric power lines by single-engine airplanes and helicopters and paratroopers landing on them. During the meeting, the heads of JSC Russian Grids subsidiaries were instructed to intensify the work with leading government agencies, in particular, with the Federal Service for Transport Supervision in the field of civil aviation. There have been a number of cases when private helicopter pilots were drunk at the time of the accident.

This year, as in previous ones, the preparation of the country's electric grid network is being carried out in two phases. Experience has shown that such two-stage screening gives companies the opportunity to efficiently on schedule to prepare for the winter season and to get clearance for operation during the autumn-winter period in a timely fashion.

The Production programme of JSC Russian Grids for the preparation for the winter provides for an overhaul of 158.5 thousand km of transmission lines, the clearing and extension of 163.8 thousand hectares of openings, the repair of 4,800 power transformers (35 kV and above), 67 500 switching devices and 37 500 transformer substations. Currently the implementation repair time schedules of the main grid equipment of subsidiaries in physical quantities is 107%. In financial terms the development of the annual repair fund stood at 44.9%.

In addition, all subsidiaries have improved emergency and operational readiness, 1312 mobile brigades have been formed, as well as 3900 emergency energy standby reserves and 32 mobile substations. In regions where the company operates, cooperation is being improved with the regional offices the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) and company contractors. Emergency drills are also being conducted by operating personnel targeting the most typically occurring technological faults during the autumn-winter seasons.




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