These companies had accumulated debts from 1996 to 2000. The following companies have completely cleared their debt incurred at the wholesale electricity market: Ivenergo, Ryazanenergo, Kalugaenergo, Permenergo, Belgorodenergo, Penzaenergo.
In addition, AO MOSENERGO has signed debt redemption agreements with another 16 power systems for 972.9 million rubles. The money is expected by the end of this year. The debtor companies include Tverenergo (172.6 million rubles), Voronezhenergo (153.96 million), Vladimirenergo (82.4 million), etc. AO MOSENERGO's largest debtor at FOREM is Kuzbassenergo, which owes AO MOSENERGO 489.2 million and will begin paying up in 2003.
From January 2001 to June 2002, AO MOSENERGO has considerably reduced the amount of receivables owed by regional utilities, which indicates the effectiveness of AO MOSENERGO's sales policy. Meanwhile, since mid-2001 AO MOSENERGO has bought electricity at FOREM. In some instances this makes it redundant for the company to purchase costly fuel oil to generate electricity, which reduces costs.