The total cost of the project for construction of the 10 kV overhead transmission line will make 26.1 mln RUR. Vologdaenergo branch is carrying out construction of 10 kV overhead transmission line in Spas-Kamenny Island initiated by the Government of the Vologda Region to provide power supply for the Savior Kamenny (Spaso-Kamenny) Monastery Museum, an architectural monument dating from the 16th century and included in UNESCO registers. The overhead line route lies in a difficult-to-reach locality in the Kubena River delta, crossing water barriers four times. The cable line will be laid not only along the bank but alto across the bottom of Lake Kubenskoye. The total cost of the project for construction of the 10 kV overhead transmission line will make 26.1 mln RUR. The Company plans to complete the construction in Q2 2013.