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Rosseti North-West

July 22, 2010

The expected fulfillment of the investment program of IDGC of North-West, JSSC for the 1st half year will amount to RUR 748,3 mln.

IDGC of North-West is introducing 76,83 MVA of transformer capacity and 239,19 km of PTL

The expected fulfillment of the investment program of IDGC of North-West for the 1st half year of 2010 will amount to RUR 748,3 mln or 101% from the planned indicators. From them RUR 595,8 mln is directed for reconstruction and re-equipment, for new construction – RUR 140,1 mln and for purchase of electric grid assets –  RUR 12,3 mln.

The expected introduction of fixed assets in the 1st half year of 2010 will amount to RUR 615,5 mln or 131% of the plan.

The plan of transformer capacity introduction in the 1st half year of 2010 amounts to 51,77 MVA, the expected fact of introduction will amount to 76,83 MVA or 148%. The plan of introduction of power transmission lines amounts to  104,92 km, the expected fact of introduction will amount to 239,19 km or 228%.

According to the investment program of IDGC of North-West, JSC, the completion of the 2nd reconstruction stage of  110/6 kv substation “Centralnaya” in branch “Vologdaenergo” became a priority for the company in the 1st half year of 2010. The facility is situated in the centre of Vologda city and supplies with electric power the social sphere, housing, production enterprises, including the feed of tracking substations of trolley lines.

The project of reconstruction stipulated the change of overage transformers with capacity 16 and 20 MVA by new ones, each having the capacity of 40 MVA and also the change of worn out and outdated equipment (the substation was put into operation in 1974) by modern high-technology equipment. It will make it possible to reduce expenses for operation, increase transmission capacity of the grid, increase significantly the facility’s grid reliability.

The first reconstruction stage was completed in 2008, the capacity introduction has amounted to 40 MVA. The expenses for implementation of the 2nd reconstruction stage have amounted to RUR 187,9 mln., the capacity introduction - 40 MVA.

The reconstruction of 10 kv OL "Mikun’ - Edva" (area “Vezhaika – Vozhskaya”) is completed in “Komienergo” branch in advance of the scheduled appointment of the introduction into service. As a result of the reconstruction the change of wooden poles by steel multifaceted poles PM-110-1 is made, the existing wire ÀÑ-120 is installed at new poles with the installation of new fittings and polymeric insulator sets and also a device of lightning protection and earthling at an area of line with the length 24,1 km.

In 2009 design and survey works by the given facility were made and the reconstruction of 10 km of an area’s line 110 kv. The number of population that lives in the territory power supply of which provides 110 kv OL "Mikun’ - Edva" – 35 ths people. Works on reconstruction of OL will make it possible to provide a reliable power supply of consumers.

 For reference: According to the procedural rules, the official report on the investment program fulfillment for 6 months is formed till August of 15.




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