Vladimir Ryabikin, General Director of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, inspected the progress of construction of facilities designed for power supply of Mordovia Arena stadium for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the adjacent infrastructure.
Construction of 110/10 kV Posop substation is carried out with due account for all contemporary environmental and safety requirements and with the use of advanced technologies and equipment from the leading domestic manufacturers. 110/10 kV Posop substation will have 2õ25 MVA capacity. It will be provided with overhangs of 110 kV power transmission lines from Yugo-Zapadnaya and Vostochnaya substations.
The indoor switchgear building co-located with the substation control house has already been constructed in the substation area. Relay protection and automation equipment, auxiliary board and automatic direct current board, as well as 10 kV cells have been installed. Works on arrangement of foundations for substation equipment, installation of 110 kV outdoor switchgear, power transformers, auxiliary transformers, lead-in portals, lighting discharger masts have been completed in full. Works on arrangement of approach and on-site roads and substation fencing are underway.
The inspection visit finished with extended production meeting with the participation of contractors performing works at power grid facilities. Summarizing the results, Vladimir Ryabikin, General Director of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, highlighted the special importance of meeting the deadlines for construction of power supply facilities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.