Internet Convert rates have been reduced in Samara: 5 hours of round-the-clock access have dropped from Rub 150 to Rub 125 and 10 hours from Rub 290 to Rub 210.
In addition, two other traffic limitations have been imposed for per megabyte payment basis customers: up to 100 Mb/month and 200 Mb/month. The rates for round-the-clock access without any limit for incoming IP traffic have been cut nearly in half. Registration payment and monthly fees for dedicated access lines will now depend on the type of port used. Customers of OJSC Svyazinform Samara Region can also now choose tariff options based on the most convenient level of traffic limits, which does not affect their access speed.
OJSC Svyazinform Samara Region also offers its customers the option of renting a modem with various built-in access speeds and multiplex units. Internet discount rates are also available for subscribers who sign up their friends as new customers. A special one-time discount of 100 minutes is also available to customers who switch over to the per-minute billing system. Another special one-time discount of 10 MB is available to customers who switch over to the per-megabyte billing system. Customers who have been with the company for over one year or are large traffic users (over 5 GB/month) are entitled to a 10% discount.