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July 5, 2002

In preparation for the current heating season AO MOSENERGO completes the construction of Hapilovskaya heating pump station

The new pump station will help to provide additional heat to the central part of the city and decrease the load on several heating lines for TEZ-23. Currently, this is a key point in AO MOSENERGO’s program, which is fulfilled by its division Heating Grids in preparation for the winter season.

Hapilovskaya pump station’s rate amounts to 4,627 m3/hour. It has six SE-1250-45-11 grid pumps produced by Nasos-Energomash in the town of Sumy. Three of these pumps are equipped with regulated frequency power drives made by Allen-Bradley. These drives are widely used by AO MOSENERGO to smooth the water consumption in the system, which helps to considerably save electric power during the station’s operations. In addition, the power station uses a new valve, which reduces the critical pressure in pipelines when the main equipment breaks down. This device is also used to prevent pressure difference in heating grids that may cause emergencies.

The construction of Hapilovskaya NPS started in 2000 under the joint program of AO MOSENERGO and the Moscow government. Before that the Moscow government adopted the regulation “On the engineering support for reconstructed Moscow districts consisting of five-story and decrepit buildings” which particularly applied to Tagansky, Presnensky and Basmanny districts. In accordance with the project, AO MOSENERGO should supply 300–350 Gcal of additional heat to the Central Administrative district.

AO MOSENERGO and the Moscow government equally financed the construction of Hapilovaskaya pump station. In total, 212 million rubles have been spent on the construction. The launch of the station is scheduled for mid-August. According to designers, the appearance of the station will considerably differ from previously built stations. It will be built in the shape of a ship and harmonically fit in the surrounding area.

In parallel with the construction of Hapilovskaya pump station, AO MOSENERGO completes the construction of Yuzhno-Izmailovskaya pumpstation, which will be commissioned by the end of July.

In addition, in preparation for the winter season Heating Grids of AO MOSENERGO is carrying out the repairs of 21 pump stations, which were built earlier. The company is also modernizing parts of heating grids and other facilities.




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