At present Heating Grids branch of AO MOSENERGO has checked 1622 km of grid pipelines including tests for strength and tightness. During the repairs the company has eliminated more than 3000 pipe defects.
Currently, the company is working to replace some parts of pipelines. In 2002, AO MOSENERGO planned to replace 70 km of fully amortized pipes. In addition, the company will lay 12/5 km of pipes insulated with polyurethane foam and rebuild 5 km of heating lines.
AO MOSENERGO is completing the repair of existing pump stations and preparing for the launch of new pump stations. Thus, on July 22, the company commissioned Yuzhno-Izmailovskaya pump station. In the first half of August the company will prepare Hapilovskaya pump station for operation. These stations will help to supply additional heating for the capital.
According to Boris Luschenko, head of dispatch service at Heating Grids, the repairs aimed at preparing the power equipment for the 2002/2003 heating season are carried out in strict compliance with a preset schedule. The completion date is set for August 15. After that, within 10 days the company will conduct a comprehensive testing of the whole heating grid.
In the beginning of the preparation for the autumn/winter period AO MOSENERGO had to reduce expenditures for repairs campaign due to the insufficient rate levels set by the Moscow Regional Energy Commission. However, AO MOSENERGO managed to enter into agreements with contractors, to repair the equipment on credit. This will make it possible to prepare for the peak load season on time.