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August 26, 2014

ROSSETI propose greater cooperation with global energy leaders to develop the energy sector through innovation

On August 25, the ROSSETI Group delegation headed by General Director Oleg Budargin took part in unveiling the Russian Energy Ministry’s exhibit at the Technical Exhibition of Energy Equipment, Technology and Services that is being held as part of the 45th Session of the CIGRÉ International Council on Large Electric Systems, currently taking place in the Palais des Congrès in France. 

In his opening remarks, the ROSSETI’s Head commented that this is the first time Russia has brought such a large delegation to CIGRÉ consolidated under Russia’s Energy ministry. Budargin believes that this meeting of operating, design and construction companies under one roof will allow participants to discuss serious multi-faceted issues related to the future development of the electricity sector. 

The ROSSETI delegation includes representatives from subsidiary distribution companies (Interregional Distribution Grid Companies) and from the main transmission company (The Federal Grid Company). 

After the opening ceremony, ROSSETI’s General Director met with a number of executives from leading global companies that produce equipment for the power grid sector where discussions focused on important aspects of mutual partnership, including methods and tools of funding large projects. 

During the meetings with producers, Budargin outlined new opportunities for greater cooperation between ROSSETI and international partners, which includes the scientific community. Potential areas of partnership include creating joint companies to produce energy-efficient and high-tech energy equipment, jointly planning and implementing a comprehensive program to modernise existing networks while also jointly developing and implementing new areas of research in electrical energy. 

While exploring the CIGRÉ Technical Exhibition, the company particularly focused on foreign electrical equipment producers who have already localised their production in Russia

This includes a meeting with GE where ROSSETI discussed comprehensive projects to modernise the electricity sector and develop small-scale generating facilities. 

Budargin also visited the exhibition of Chinese producers, particularly the NR Electric company. The company demonstrated their capabilities of constructing digital substations to the ROSSETI director. They also discussed the possibility of joint projects to develop the electricity network infrastructure in the Siberian Federal District. 

At the ABB booth, the ROSSETI head was presented with new developments in cable production and demonstrated the prototype for the 110 kV gas-insulated switchgear which is 40% smaller in size than its rivals and which is already slated for production in Yekaterinburg at existing production facilities. 

Budargin also visited the Alstom company booth and discussed new solutions in digital network management technology which would increase the stability and reliability of the power system while also talking about the possibility of implementing projects at maintenance-free substations. 

The General Director also met with representatives from Schneider Electric. They discussed the project to provide power to the developing New Moscow area with an estimated future population of 1.5 million people and examined the possibilities and the methods of partnering with Schneider Electric. 

ROSSETI’s meeting with their partner company EDF focused on expanding cooperation and jointly working on a project to supply modern meters to Russia’s southern regions. 

There was also a separate meeting with representatives from the Italian testing laboratory CESI that focused on the road map for creating a powerful testing centre for electronic equipment in Russia. This unique project was announced at the previous 44th Session of the CIGRÉ International Council on Large Electric Systems while the Partnership Agreement with CESI was signed at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in 2013. At the present session, CESI confirmed their readiness to participate in the project, noted the project’s importance to CESI and discussed the details of each project phase with ROSSETI from designing to the operation of the Federal Testing Centre as well as training employees for working with the testing equipment. CESI representatives also shared their experience of implementing a similar project in China

In Brief 

Created in 1921, the CIGRÉ International Council on Large Electric Systems (Conseil Internationaldes Grands Réseaux Électriques) is one of the world’s largest non-governmental and non-commercial organisations for scientific and technical partnership within the electrical energy industry which significantly influences how the electricity sectors in many countries formulate their development strategies. CIGRÉ is an important platform of scientific and technological exchange that determines the main focus of research for over 12,000 researchers, experts and specialists from 95 countries worldwide.




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