Moscow, 26 September 2016. – Sistema PJSFC (“Sistema” or “the Corporation”) (LSE: SSA; MOEX: AFKS), a Russian public diversified holding company, announces that an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (“EGM”) held on 23 September 2016 with absentee voting approved the payment of RUB 3.667 bn in dividends, or RUB 0.38 per ordinary share (RUB 7.6 per GDR), for the first six months of 2016.
The EGM set the record date for shareholders eligible to receive dividends as 7 October 2016.
The dividend amount was calculated based on the weighted average price of Sistema’s ordinary shares traded on Moscow Exchange in the first half of 2016, in accordance with the Corporation’s dividend policy adopted in April 2016.
The Corporation aims to pay dividends twice a year. Total dividends for a reporting year should be based on the target dividend yield* of at least 4% or RUB 0.67 per ordinary share, whichever is greater.
*To calculate the average dividend yield of its ordinary shares, Sistema uses the weighted average price of one ordinary share as traded on Moscow Exchange in the relevant reporting period (full year or six months).
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