The Gazprom headquarters hosted today a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee and Vasily Golubev, Governor of the Rostov Oblast.
The parties addressed the progress with the Agreement of Cooperation placing an emphasis on the regional gasification issues. It was highlighted that between 2002 and 2011 the Company had invested around RUB 3 billion in gasification of the Rostov Oblast, thus raising the regional gas penetration level to 79.3 per cent (by 20.1 per cent) including to 88.3 per cent (by 18 per cent) in cities and towns as well as to 57.9 per cent (by 24.8 per cent) in the rural area. The identical figures throughout Russia average 63.1, 69.8 and 46.7 per cent accordingly.
Alexey Miller and Vasily Golubev discussed further gasification actions. It was highlighted that the amount of investments to be allocated by Gazprom for these purposes in 2012 would depend, among other things, on the obligations met this year by the Rostov Oblast Government concerning consumers preparation for gas supplies.
The meeting also considered the prospects for developing gas supplies to the Rostov Oblast. Between 2011 and 2015 Gazprom is planning a stagewise overhaul of a gas lateral running from the North Caucasus – Center gas trunkline to Volgodonsk. Moreover, the Company is going to retrofit between 2012 and 2013 five gas distribution stations (GDS) – Rostov-1, Rostov-5, Shakhty-1, Shakhty-2 and a GDS of the Yegorlykskaya compressor station.
The parties paid special attention to the project for creating a sports and recreation resort in the Starocherkasskaya Stanitsa, a historical center of the Rostov Oblast. The project requires relocating a gas lateral and a GDS. Gazprom has prepared the relevant project documents and submitted them for expert evaluation.
The Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Rostov Oblast Administration was signed in September 2002, the Accord on Gasification – in June 2007.
In 2011 Gazprom's investments in the region gasification make up RUB 400 million. The funds will be used to finish construction of one and to launch construction of three inter-settlement gas pipelines. In addition, design and estimate documents are being elaborated for five gasification facilities.