Open Joint-Stock Company Central Telegraph announced the results of its activities during 9 months of 2003.
Earnings of the company amounted to 1047.9 million rubles.
Revenues from the provision of telecommunication services of JSC Central Telegraph over 9 months of 2003 increased by 24% in comparison with the same period of 2002 and amounted to 908.0 million rubles.
Profit from sales increased in 1,5 times to 225.6 million rubles.
Net profit increased by 53% in comparison with the results of the first 9 months of 2002 and amounted to 101.9 million rubles. Increase in revenues of JSC Central Telegraph over the reporting period was caused by the increase in volumes of new telecommunication services.
JSC Central Telegraphis one of the largest telecommunication companies offering the full range of communication services to individual and corporate customers in the Moscow region. At present the company provides all types of modern telecommunication services: access to the Internet via dedicated and switched channels (Central Telegraph is "The Best Internet Provider 2002"), data transfer, local, national and international telephone services, connection of ATMs and POS terminals to X.25 network, installation of telephone numbers in Moscow and in the Moscow region on the basis of its own fiber-optic network Centel.
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