Power engineers of Mordovenergo — branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies) — will soon complete the Repair Program of 2016. As scheduled, the 20 substations (SS) of class 35-110 kV are ready for operation. Among them: Vostochnaya SS (110/6 kV), Yugo-Zapadnaya SS (110/6 kV), Ardatov SS (110/35/10 kV), Atyashevo SS (110/35/10 kV), Romodanovo SS (110/35/10 kV), Penzyatka SS (110/10 kV), Sabaevo SS (110/10 kV), Selischi SS (110/10 kV), Takushevo SS (110/10 kV), B. Azyas SS (110/10 kV). In addition the capital repair of 670 transformer substations and distribution stations, as well as 849.47 km of power transmission lines was carried out. Clearing and expanding the forest corridors along the power transmission lines was carried out over the area of 515.15 ha.
All this measures are a necessary part of preparation of electric equipment and power facilities for the 2016/2017 peak load autumn-winter period. Other branches of IDGC of Volga, PJSC also bring implementation of the repair program to a conclusion: Ulyanovsk DG, Penzaenergo, Orenburgenergo, Chuvashenergo, Samara DG and Saratov DG.
Employees of Severnoe PD tried to make the meeting with students informative and gripping through combination of stories about routine works of power engineers and practical exercises. For instance, they gave the children a tour to Yuzhnaya substation, then showed the dispatcher panel, which manages and monitors the condition of distribution grids on the area of Severnoe PD. Occupational guidance of schoolchildren and students and raising their interest in power industry is one of the top priority directions of the Chuvashenergo personnel policy