The branch "Rosseti Volga" (brand of PJSC "MRSK Volga") - "Orenburgenergo" became the winner of the contest "The best enterprise of the Orenburg region on the development of corporate volunteering" in the nomination "Socially significant project." The highest award was awarded to two projects: "Organization of Youth Council" and "Headquarters of student detachment" Energostart. "
Summing up and awarding took place within the framework of the forum of corporate volunteering of the Orenburg region, which took place in the children 's health and educational center "City of Childhood" from September 20 to September 22. The program of the forum included educational and practical parts.
At the practice-sessions experts and speakers told the participants of the forum about the organization and implementation of volunteer projects, about the means of their popularization. In practical part young specialists worked out approaches and principles of social design. Work on the projects was carried out on the topics "Reducing the outflow of young people from the Orenburg region," Organization of a contact shelter for animals "and" Entertainment and development park for residents of the city. " The branch "Orenburgenergy" at the forum was represented by activists of the youth movement: Nikolai Barantsov, Alexander Gusev, Maxim Makarov and Mikhail Safarov. At the final stage - presentations of social projects - the delegation of young energy workers took "Orenburgenergy" to the first place.
