The day before the meeting, A. Moradshov, Severstal's general director, who heads the RSPP's (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) work group on Russia's succession into WTO, and a number of other RSPP members met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
At the meeting preceding the visit of the US President RSPP handed Vladimir Putin a report, which evaluated the Russian-American relationship, especially in the trade area.
The same report will be handed to George Bush today during his meeting with Russian businessmen. RSPP members plan to speak to Bush about stumbling blocks in the two county relationship, in particular, the prohibitive export duties on steel and Jackson-Vannik Amendment. The most important topics of discussion will include Russia receiving the status of market economy, antidumping investigations and Russia's succession into WTO.
A. Mordashov noted prior to the meeting, "It's possible that not all of these topics will be discussed in the talks between Putin and Bush. But a number of economic advisors and ministers are taking part in negotiations, therefore these issues will be touched upon. We hope that putting off revoking of the Jackson-Vannik Amendment is not going to be the reason for making the decisions, which will cause the steel industry to suffer."