As of February 1, 2018, MUE HCS has indebtedness for power transmission services to IDGC of Volga, PJSC in the amount of over 26.7 million rubles. MUE HCS, which is a provider of utility services to industrial and agricultural facilities of Sovietsky district, has been existing since 2015. Since the same year, the company has started to accumulate debts to the grid company that is for the 4th year running it is actually using other persons’ funds. All claims to repay the debt, which is now 25 times more than in December 2015 are evidently disregarded by management of MUE HCS.
During 2017, the enterprise made no payments to IDGC of Volga for the power transmission services. However, it keeps performing its activities on providing utility services and is still receiving payment from its customers. In the previous period, MUE HCS occasionally transferred the funds only under the court decision. Actually interest-free use of funds failed to be paid to IDGC of Volga enabled to repay the fines for non-performance of the of the Credit Agreement without any serious consequences. Despite the fact that the company is a municipal enterprise, the administration of Sovietsky district takes no efforts to solve this problem. S
uch companies as Energoholding LLC, ESK Nezavisimost LLC, and EnergoService Povolzhje, LLC are regularly included into the list of debtors. Their debt is 2.1 million rubles, 6 million rubles and 1.7 million rubles accordingly.
IDGC of Volga, PJSC is determined to take further active efforts to recover receivables by any methods provided for by the applicable legislation. The non-paying companies are under the threat of complete shutdown or limitation of the power supply, and their management may be disqualified and even criminally prosecuted.