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December 26, 2003

V.L. Gorbachev is elected the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

V.L. Gorbachev, General Director of "UTK" PJSC won the elections in Dinskoy single member constituency ?41 in the Krasnodar Territory, over 60% of constituency voted for him.

His result is among the best all over Russia. After the elections V.L. Gorbachev leaves his post of "UTK" PJSC CEO in order to continue his work in the State Duma. Board of Directors of "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC voted on December 25, 2003 to appoint Ivan Fyodorovich Ignatenko to the position of chief executive official, who previously held the position of deputy General Director of "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC and Director of its branch "Kubanelectrosvyaz".

For many years Vladimir Gorbachev has been known as a successful manager who made an important contribution to economic development of the Southern federal district. He made decisions on construction of fiber-optic communication lines and digitization of data networks and communication systems. Under the direction of Gorbachev V.L. advanced telecom technologies have been actively introduced, subscriber base has been greatly increased, obsolete equipment has been replaced by digital one. We can also mention the following projects of social importance: development of rural telephone network, creation of call and service centers, computerization of schools, providing public access to Internet, installation of telephones for disabled veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War. Due to high level of management and personal merits of UTK CEO V.L. Gorbachev, "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC was determined as a base company for merger of ten telecom companies of Southern federal district into it. The consolidated company incorporated the following branches: "Electrosvyaz of Adygeia Republic", "Svyazinform" of the Astrakhan Region", "Volgogradelectrosvyaz", "KabBalktelecom", "Electrosvyaz of Kalmykia Republic", "Karachaevo-Cherkesskelectrosvyaz", "Kubanelectrosvyaz", "Rostovelectrosvyaz", "Sevosetinelectrosvyaz", "Electrosvyaz" of Stavropol Territory" as well as "Training and production center", "Yugtaksofon" and "Center of New Technologies".

According to "UTK" PJSC business plan number of telephone lines put into service in the Southern federal district in 2001-2003 approximates their number put into operation during the whole history of telecom sector in the south of Russia. "UTK" PJSC takes part in realization of the federal program "Electronic Russia", it equips schools with modern computers and provides access to Internet. "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC is the largest tax payer in the Southern federal district: in 2003 it will transfer 2,5 billion rubles of taxes and other payments to budgets of all levels. Transfers for support of health protection, education and social sphere are made separately.

Biographical overview

Vladimir Lukich Gorbachev was born on July 29, 1950. He graduated from the Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications with a diploma of a telecommunications engineer. He is Candidate of Economic Science, member of International Telecommunication Academy. He published seven articles in the sphere of telecommunications, his Ph.D. thesis presents real program on formation of mechanism of economic and financial restructuring of an enterprise. Vladimir Gorbachev has been working in the Company since 1987, and in the sector of telecommunications - since 1973. In 1992 he studied in Great Britain, in 1994 - in the USA, in the International Finance and Economic Partnership Institute. He is awarded the title "Best Manager of Russia" Vladimir Gorbachev has many other honorary titles and government awards. On December 7, 2003 he was elected the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from Dinskoy single member constituency ?41.

Ivan Fyodorovich Ignatenko was born on June 4, 1945. He holds two university degrees, graduating from the Novosibirsktelecommunications institute with a major in multi-channel telecom engineering (1975) and applied economics (1980).

Mr. Ignatenko has been working in the sector of telecommunications for more than 28 years, he has held executive positions in Krasnodar-based telecom concerns since 1992. In 1999 he was appointed deputy General Director and Director of the Krasnodar city telecom exchange. Since 2003 until the present time he has been employed as deputy General Director of "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC and Director of "Kubanelectrosvyaz" branch.

I.F. Ignatenko is an experienced manager having deep knowledge in economics and technology. Being the Director of the branch "Kubanelectrosvyaz" I.F. Ignatenko proved to be a competent leader. "UTK" PJSC Board of Directors appointed Ivan Fyodorovich Ignatenko as General Director of "Southern Telecommunications Company" PJSC since December 25, 2003, because former UTK CEO V.L. Gorbachev had been elected the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.





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