In 2000 MOSENERGO's profit from selling heat and electric energy, calculated by payments made, was 5701.2 million rubles, while profit for actually delivered products totaled 5405.9 million rubles. Compared to 1999 the company's profit, calculated by payments made, has increased by 2070.5 million rubles, and the profit for actually delivered products has gone up by 2289.2 million rubles.
Last year's profit will enable MOSENERGO to ensure the availability of reserve funds needed to pay dividends for 2000, which totaled 211 million rubles.
Moreover, in 2000 the company's debt on payments to government budgets of all levels dropped from 884.5 million rubles to 276 million. For the whole of last year heat and power consumer debt to MOSENERGO fell by 3158 million rubles and by the beginning of this year they totaled 14181 million rubles. In 2000 trade liabilities to suppliers and contractors (VAT included) also fell from 9.8 billion rubles to 7.4 billion.
The reason for MOSENERGO's profit growth compared to 1999 is an aggressive program of ensuring proper payments for delivered power and reducing customer debt. What's more, last year federal authorities targeted 2667.6 million rubles from the federal budget to MOSENERGO's accounts to assist in financing and managing payments for heat and power.