Rosseti CEO noted that an extensive preparatory work preceded the last autumn and winter period.
He reported that the target model for technological violations elimination has been changed. The new approach has reduced the repairing work time. (this fact concerned both the time of brigades' arrival at an accident site and the time of backup power sources connection). As a result, the average power recovery time have been reduced from 3 to 2 hours.
Practical skills of interaction and incident management were paid particular attention to. Grand-scale power engineering trainings were held in 30 regions covered by company. First nationwide exercises took place in Dagestan. The Tver region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Karelia were pointed out in particular.
Altogether repairing work during the winter autumn period was ensured by 9,911 subunits consisting of 49,413 people equipped with 23,073 items of automotive and special equipment. 5 566 backup power sources were being ready for operational use.
During 2018-2019 autumn and winter period the number of hazardous meteorological phenomena increased by 12%, but despite this fact the number of large-scale outages had been reduced by more than 2 times - from 26 down to 11.
Inclement weather occurred in the Northwestern and Southern Federal Districts last winter but the scope and duration of violations were minimized thanks to preventive measures taken.
Summarizing the results of the autumn and winter period, the number of technological violations in the 110 kV networks and above decreased by 10% while the average duration of power supply to the point of delivery decreased by 47%.
Pavel Livinskiy mentioned that the results of the autumn and winter period had already been scrupulously analyzed and targeted security improvement programs were being implemented.
The integral ratings of the 50 best and 50 worst districts of power supply networks, as well as 64 branches of power distribution companies, have been created on the basis of accident rate indicators and the average duration of outages for the first time upon the results of the autumn and winter period.
Changes were made to the maintenance and repair plans including redistribution of funds based on the ratings data in preparing for the next 2019-2020 autumn and winter period.
“At the same time, additional financial resources are not the cornerstone. The use of new management practices, changes in business processes, implementation of innovative technologies, responsible personnel policy, and training are crucial, too. We will improve these areas to enhance our efficiency,” Livinskiy stressed.
Rosseti CEO pointed out the importance of consolidation of the power network complex.
“It is extremely important to form the institution of authorized power distribution companies. Irresponsible local power distribution companies that do not invest in reliability and that exist at the expense of regional tariff surcharge should leave the market. This should be consolidated at the legislative level. In fact, today the irresponsible local power distribution companies threaten the unity and integrity of power system,” Rosseti CEO noted.