During his working visit to the North Caucasus, Pavel Livinskiy, Rosseti CEO, checked the operation of the North Caucasus Federal District power grid.
A production meeting under the chairmanship of the Head of the company was held involving Andrey Mayorov, the Chief Engineer of Rosseti together with Vitaly Ivanov, the Deputy Director for the North Caucasus, Director-General of IDGC of the North Caucasus.
Issues of tariff regulation, consolidation of territorial network assets in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, efficiency of personnel policy, improvement of quality and reduction of technological connection to the networks, payment discipline in the North Caucasus were discussed during the meeting as well as other relevant topics impeding the achievement of high performance.
"Today energy sector of the North Caucasus needs to be literally rehabilitated keeping in mind the strategic goals, i.e. digital transformation of the industry to the benefits of our consumers," Pavel Livinskiy said.
The CEO assured the North Caucasus colleagues of providing comprehensive support for the district's alerting issues solution.
"In the nearest future, among other activities, we are going to execute long-term agreements defining the strategy of joint work in each of the territorial units, with all regions of the NCFD," Pavel Livinskiy noted.