As part of preparations for autumn and winter operational seasons, specialists of Ulyanovsk DG, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies) report the results of capital repairs on 10-0.4 kV overhead transmission lines. The total length of repaired 10-0.4 kV overhead transmission lines is 2,239 km. Specialists replaced 1,800 supports and 76 km of wires; 18,000 obsolete insulators were replaced for modern insulators — made of tempered glass, environmentally resistant and easy-to-use. Other works included alignment of supports, renovation of markings and warning signage on the supports, replacement of metal cross-arm beams, line-isolating switches and reinforced concrete bases. Works completed by high-voltage line services included repair of undersurface sections of steel supports using waterproofing materials and double wire securing at points of intersection with railways and motorways. Furthermore, anticorrosive coating was applied to metal elements of supports, and dispatch markings, signage and safety signs were renewed. The most labor-and time consuming are repair operations carried out on overhead power lines that pass within the city boundaries, along heavy traffic roads and in locations with well-developed infrastructures. Apart from compliance with all applicable safe work practices, power engineers have to provide the highest levels of safety for residents and minimize any inconvenience caused by repair operations. This year, specialists completed repairs on Vodozabor 3,4, Zavolzhskaya 1,2, Ulyanovsk-Kremenki, Vostochnaya 1,2 and other transmission lines. When repair operations are being carried out on such backbone networks that feed dozens of socially significant enterprises and businesses of the region, any possible inconveniences for consumers are minimized due to seamless switchover to redundant power supply scheme. As part of the repair campaign, employees of the branch also completed extensive vegetation management activities on the territory covering over 450 ha. Undertaking vegetation management beneath overhead electricity lines to make sure safety clearances are not infringed in case of thunderstorm or gusts of wind is a prerequisite to prevent technological disturbances. Repair operations on overhead transmission lines conducted in a timely and workmanlike manner is a key to failure-free operations and reliable power supply for consumers in the Ulyanovsk region during the forthcoming period of peak loads.