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Rosseti Volga

May 24, 2019

Branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC -"Ulyanovsk Distribution Grids" introduced the concept of “Digital transformation 2030" on the International Forum “ARWE 2019”

The International Forum “ALL RENEWABLE WORLD ENERGY 2019” was held in Ulyanovsk. During 3 days, industry experts of international and Russian level discussed the development of trends in the field of renewable energy sources (RES).The event was attended by heads of foreign and Russian energy companies, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal ministries, regional departments, large business structures, and world leaders in the renewable energy industry.

The main topic of numerous discussions at the forum was the promotion of "green" technologies in the energy sector. In the format of the dialogue, panel session participants discussed the global experience in the accumulation, transmission and distribution of electricity generated by alternative energy sources, the prospects for digital energy, options for optimal interaction within the localization programs between suppliers and key customers of the industry, the main principles for the inclusion of renewable energy facilities in the regional power industry development scheme.

On the other hand, new technologies of the production of electricity are inextricably linked with the innovative development of its transfer to consumers. Deputy Chief Engineer of the branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a part of the “PAO Rosseti”, JSC) - Ulyanovsk Distribution Networks, Egor Kozhurov, spoke about the ongoing qualitative changes in the power grid complex presented the concept of “Digital Transformation 2030”.

“It is impossible to ignore the development of renewable energy sources. It’s now focused on the technologies of production and accumulation of renewable energy, but it must be borne in mind that in modern energy it is important how efficiently the whole chain works - from producer to consumer, - underlined Yegor Kozhurov in his speech. – The transformation of the power grid infrastructure through the introduction of automated control systems for the grid complex will allow us to increase network observability, reduce the risk of technological failures and significantly reduce electric power losses. The use of digital solutions will ensure the availability of power grids to new technological challenges and modern realities. For a total all this will allow to increase the reliability and quality of the transmitted electricity, as well as the availability of services provided to the consumer”.




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