At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 (SPIEF 2019), the Rosseti Group presented a new unified brand architecture of the energy holding.
Since June 2019, all companies of the main and distribution grid complex in corporate and marketing communications, as well as on all corporate identity carriers will use the new name containing the Rosseti trademark and regional or functional binding. The introduction of a unified brand architecture approved by the Board of Directors of Rosseti on April 29, 2019, provides for the phased replacement of branded elements as they expire without increasing existing budgets and within approved business plans of the companies.
«The Rosseti Group operates in 80 regions of the Federation, implements common approaches to the management and development of the country's power grid infrastructure, constantly improves the quality of services expanding their list. The transition to a single brand architecture is a natural and logical step towards the development of our holding. For consumers from different parts of our country, it is important to understand which company is responsible to them for reliable and high-quality power supply. It is obvious that the name of this company should be the same throughout the country," Pavel Livinskiy, Rosseti CEO, emphasized.
