According to annual Financial Times' ratings of the world top companies by market capitalization, AO MOSENERGO appeared at the 31st place among top 100 East European companies.
Along with AO MOSENERGO, the Russian power energy is represented in the list of East European companies with the biggest market cap by three other companies: RAO UES (No. 8), Irkutskenergo (No. 50) and a newcomer to list - Lenenergo (No. 85).
The Russian companies faced competition from five Czech power companies, with CEZ, a Czech leader, appearing at 13th place. Hungarian energy companies increased their presence on list by taking four positions. Zespol Elektrocieplowni Wroclawskich Kogeneracja, a Polish power company, has been added to the list at 80th.
The commentaries to the East European ratings point to "the dominance of former government enterprises which preserved their monopolies in their markets."
In 2000, six Russian companies cracked the top 100 for Eastern Europe, making the total of twenty six, mainly oil patch and telecom companies. According to the majority of analysts, the reason for low market capitalization of domestic companies is the lack of transparency and standards of corporate governance.