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IRKUT Corporation

October 1, 2002

Notification of the State Registration of Bonds Issuance and the Procedure of Information Disclosure on the Bonds Placement of the JSC "IAIA"

On October 01, 2002, the State registration of the placement of interest-bearing documentary irredeemable bonds of the JSC "IAIA" to bearer, of the A02 series with compulsory centralized deposition in the quantity of 1500000 papers at par value of 1000 Roubles each, the date of commencement and termination of the Bonds retirement being the 1093-d day from the date of commencement of the Bonds floatation, the State registration number of the issue: 4-02-00040-? (Bonds), was achieved.

The location of the registration agency: 9, Leninskii Prospekt, V-49, GSP-1, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991.

The volume of the issue at par value is 1 500 000 000 (one billion five hundred million Roubles).

Placement method: open subscription.

The date of commencement of the bonds placement will be by notification, by the Issuer, of potential buyers of the Bonds no later then 10 (ten) business days before the date of commencement of the placement of the Bonds by means of publication of the information in the newspaper "Vedomosti". Herewith, the date of commencement of the placement could not be earlier then two weeks prior to the information disclosure of the information on the State registration of the Bonds placement and on the procedure of information disclosure of the Bonds placement.

The date of termination of the Bonds placement will be the earliest of the following dates: a) the 5th business day from the date of commencement of the Bonds placement; b) the date of placement of the last bond of the issue. Herewith, the date of termination of placement of the Bonds cannot be later then that after twelve months from the day of approval of the resolution on the issuance of the Bonds.

The placement of the Bonds is implemented by means of conclusion of sales transactions at the Price of the Bonds placement (beginning the second day of the Bonds placement, the buyer, in doing sales transactions of the Bonds will also pay the accrued coupon profit yield on the Bonds, determined in compliance with the conditions of the registered resolution of the Bonds issuance and the Bonds offering circular).

The Price of the Bonds placement is established by the Board of Directors of the Issuer and is published in the newspaper "Vedomosti" no later then 5 (five) business days before the date of commencement of the Bonds placement.

Placement of the Bonds is done in the Section of the Stock Market of the PSC "Moscow Inter-Bank Currency Exchange" (hereinafter MMVB) and at the Not-for-profit Partnership "The RTS Stock Exchange" hereinafter RTS).

Hence, 750 000 Bonds are placed at the Stock Market Section of the MMVB, 750 000 Bonds are placed at the RTS.

Placement of the bonds at MMVB is done in compliance with effective rules of trading of the PSC "Moscow Inter-Bank Currency Exchange" and conditions of placement specified in the registered resolution on the issuance of the Bonds and the Bonds offering circular.

Placement of the bonds at RTS is done in compliance with effective rules of trading of the Not-for-profit Partnership "The RTS Stock Exchange" and conditions of placement specified in the registered resolution on the issuance of the Bonds and the Bonds offering circular.

The circulation of the Bonds in the secondary market will commence on the first calendar day following the date of the registration of the statement of the results of the Bonds issuance by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia.

The underwriter for the Bonds issuance are the Stock Investment and Merchant Bank "NOVAYA MOSKVA" ("New Moscow") (PSC), The Stock Merchant Bank "Moskovskii Delovoi Mir" ("Moscow Business World") (JSC), "Bank Vneshnei Torgovli" ("Foreign Trade Bank") (JSC).

Disclosure of the information on the Bonds issuance is done in compliance with the standards of effective legislation of the Russian Federation. The information subject to disclosure in the mass media will be published in the "Supplement to the Herald of the Federal Securities Market Commission", the newspaper "Delo", Irkutsk and/or the newspaper "Vedomosti".

To familiarize with the text of the Resolution of Bonds and the Bonds Offering Circular, as well as obtain copies of the documents specified, the following addresses are available:


3, Novatorov Str., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664020

Phone: (392-5) 32-29-11

Bld.2, 30/7, B.Molchanovka Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121069

Phone: (095) 291-66-61



Stock Investment and Merchant Bank "NOVAYA MOSKVA" ("New Moscow") (PSC)

Bld.1, 3, Verknyaya Radishevskaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 109240

Phone: (095) 797-32-62


The Stock Merchant Bank "Moskovskii Delovoi Mir" ("Moscow Business World") (JSC)

3, Sadovnicheskaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 115035

Phone: (095) 797-95-00

"Bank Vneshnei Torgovli" ("Foreign Trade Bank") (JSC)

16, Kuznetskii Most, Moscow, Russian Federation, 103031

Phone: (095) 101-18-80




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