Heavy-load self-propelled amphibious air-cushioned platform |
The city of Nizhny Novgorod hosted a working meeting between Gazprom’s delegation headed by Nikolai Sidorenko, Head of Gazprom’s Transportation Division and the executive leadership of the Svetloyar-Avia Science and Production Association designing and producing self-propelled air-cushioned platforms. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the VNIPIgazdobycha, YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ and Central Design Oil Equipment Bureau (a Gazprom subsidiary), which provided feasibility study for the Yamal Peninsula fields. .
The meeting was held within the frames of the activities aimed at selecting transportation vehicles to make all-the-year-round cargo deliveries to the Yamal fields.
Gazprom’s delegation examined the production capacities of the Svetloyar-Avia Science and Production Association as well as considered the projects on heavy-load self-propelled amphibious air-cushioned platforms with the payload capacity of 50-300 tons, capable to transport large-size cargo over roadless terrain directly from sea vessels to production areas.
Based on the data obtained in the course of the meeting, Gazprom’s experts intend to provide feasibility study for using air-cushioned platforms while furnishing the Yamal fields. Depending on the analysis results, Gazprom will decide whether to finance the platform manufacturing or not.
Gazprom also considers the possibility of cooperating with the Svetloyar-Avia Science and Production Association in producing special all terrain vehicles with low and super-low specific ground pressure.
The Svetloyar-Avia Science and Production Association is a coalition of Russian companies specializing in high-end technologies, resolving non-standard transportation issues, producing specialized transportation systems and vehicles, equipment for airports and airlines.