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June 8, 2001

Ivtelecom to phase in new rates

Information in the media about tariff revisions effective June 1, 2001

As of June 1, 2001 Ivtelecom introduced new tariffs for telecommunication services, which, in accordance with RF Government Resolution No. 1559 of December 28, 1998, shall be subject to independent approval by joint stock companies. These tariffs have not been adjusted for two years. Since that time telecom expenditure has risen considerably, especially electricity expenses, leasing payments for buildings, utilities, materials, parts and components.

Tariff revisions for a few basic services

The fee for ordering telegrams by phone on a credit basis is RUR 4.8.

Pre-paid domestic long-distance calling card charges are up 10-20% depending on the range of the call made.

The fee for summoning a person to a long-distance calling center or regular telephone number has been increased from RUR 9.65 to RUR 10.82.

Installation and service fees for serial numbers and lines in the "serial" number category are to go up approximately 30%.

Leasing charges for telephone lines have been increased. Monthly charges will be RUR 2,000 (not including VAT or sales tax) for legal entities and RUR 90 for residential subscribers. Furthermore, customers who have made leasing payment on a prepayment basis will not be charged any additional fees during the advance payment period.

The rates for renewing telephone service agreements for household subscribers and telecom services for legal entities have also been increased. There will also be an extra charge of RUR 100 for all persons who have their surnames changed, wish to have a telephone line reregistered in the name of close relatives, or relocate keeping the same or a different telephone number.

The tariff for accessing ISDN services has also been revised. It will be RUR 5,550 (not including taxes), which is payable when the initial installation fee is charged. The regular subscriber's fee for this service has not been adjusted.

Radio broadcasting charges have been increased:

- from RUR 15 to RUR 20 for legal entities (not including VAT or sales tax);
- from RUR 8 to RUR 12 for residential subscribers.

The discounts currently applicable to broadcasting services will remain in effect.

Ivtelecom has raised paging tariffs. Residential subscriber fees for all types of letter and digital paging services (1.2 and 4-line) will go up to RUR 120 instead of the previous RUR 90 and RUR 100 (not including VAT or sales tax) for legal entities, instead of the previous rate of RUR 76. Advance payment discounts remain in effect: 20% for 3-month payments, 25% for six month-payments and 30% for 12-month payments.

There will be no rate increases for subscribers who have paid for paging services in advance, until the pre-paid period expires. Digital paging service rates remain unchanged.

The cost of phone tokens used for making local calls will be RUR 3 for calls under three minutes.

A number of other tariffs have also been adjusted.
The following tariffs remain unchanged:

- tariffs for dedicated access and connection lines;
- tariffs for the Altai radio-telephone network;
- tariffs for use of trunk, intra-zonal and telegraph lines
- public telephone cards;
- service and repaid rates for xerox machines by Ivtelecom technicians;
- tariffs for a number of other telecom services.

Additional information on tariffs can be obtained by calling 007 in Ivanovo, local branches or on Ivtelecom's website at www.ivtelecom.ru.




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