The National ecological award "EcoMir-2004" is a public award for outstanding achievements in environmental protection, ensuring environmental safety and population health as well as other ecological activity aimed at sustainable development of Russia in the twenty first century. The Award was instituted by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) and Interregional social fund "Charitable Initiatives Fund". Over 1000 applications for participation in the "EcoMir-2004" award were presented from companies and organizations, representatives of authorities, author's teams, public figures and other people initiating and implementing projects, programmes, activities aimed at ensuring environmental safety of Russia, social protection of citizens, resources conservation, development of environmental culture and education. JSC GAZ presented the materials characterizing manufacturing and educational activity of the plant in the field of ecology. JSC GAZ spent about 21 Mio. rubles for nature-conservative measures in 2003 alone. Main investments (about 14 Mio. rubles) were made in construction and modernization of the local treatment facilities in body painting shop of commercial vehicles division, pressing and frame division and forge division. Due to the introduction of new technical and technological solutions, in 2003 gross pollutant emissions in air were reduced by 3,500 t., this into water - by 65%. According to the result of the contest, Gorky Automobile Plant was called the Laureate of the Third Degree in the nomination "Environmental Policy" for successful implementation of programme "JSC GAZ Environmental Safety System". The Award Ceremony took place in M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University on October 5, 2004.