56,209 vehicles and auto kits rolled off the GAZ production lines within 3 months of 2004, 14,599 (35,1%) units more compared with the same period of 2003. The number of vehicles made in the first quarter of this year increased by 34,6% in comparable prices compared with the previous year and amounted to 10,253,442,000 rubles. In the first quarter of 2004 as much as 51,200 vehicles were assembled: 16,253 cars, 34,848 trucks of which 5,829 being minibuses. Compared with the same period of the previous year production of GAZ vehicles increased by 10,842 units (26,9%), with a number of cars increased by 7,838 units (92,1%). GAZ supplied 2,290 auto kits to assembly plants, an increase of 1,038 units (82,9 %) compared with 3 months of the previous year. Besides, the company sent 2,719 auto kits to the small batch production division. GAZ made 557,012,000 rubles worth of spare parts, a growth of 39,7% in comparable prices as compared with the first quarter of 2003 . The automobile factory fulfilled all items of its production plan in the first quarter of 2004.