In 2002 sales profit of the united company is up 23.8 percent versus the year 2001 and stands at RUR 2.6 billion. As a result of selling "UTK" PJSC's stake of "Kuban-GSM" CJSC profit before taxation (balance sheet profit) remains at the level of sales profit - RUR 2.6 billion - a 78.5% increase compared to the balance sheet profit of the last year.
Growth trend of main economic showings influenced greatly the factors of the Company's efficiency: proceeds per 1 line amount to 3282 rubles with growth rate of 122.5 percent, operating profit per line - 828 rubles, which is up by 18.3 percent compared to a year-ago period; number of lines per one employee - 75.1 lines with growth rate of 112.1 percent. |